Cause for Celebration | Atera, New York City

This March we had the opportunity to celebrate Tali’s birthday in Atera, a 2 Michelin starred restaurant based in New York’s Tribeca Neighborhood. Its founding chef, Matthew Lightner, who ran the kitchen for three years, was replaced last year by the Danish Ronny Emborg. This change made quite the ruckus online with mixed opinions on the decision to have a Danish chef as the head of a well-established American restaurant.

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New York City Food Diaries – The Savory Edition

During March we were lucky enough to spend a few days in New York City. Four days in the city necessitated some preparations which included a map of dozens of interesting locations. Obviously we weren’t able to visit all of them. Not always because lack of time but rather the fact that some places had insane 5 (!) hour queue at the door (we’re looking at you Black Tap and The Bagel Store). Nonetheless we’ll be sharing our experiences in several separate posts: this one for savory food, and the following ones for sweets as well as our visit at the 2 Michelin starred Atera restaurant.

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