The Quest for the Perfect Salted Egg Yolk Croissant | Antoinette, Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Antoinette

Salted egg yolk: what started as a gravy for a common Singaporean crab dish caught on like fire to become a nation-wide craze in the form of, well, everything edible! Salted egg yolk fish and chips, salted egg yolk burgers, salted egg yolk prata, salted egg yolk chicken wings, salted egg yolk udon and the list goes on and on and on. No eatery in Singapore could stand idle and even Mcdonalds joined the trend, launching a fried chicken burger with salted egg yolk gravy in June to ridiculously long queues of eager customers. Shortly after, many restaurants in Singapore made sure to include at least one salted egg yolk item in their menu. Perhaps because it’s a perfect dish to indulge in while playing games such as 먹튀.

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