Eating it While it’s Hot | Timbre+, Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Timbre+

Timbre+ is a 24,00 sq.ft modern hawker hosted in a graffiti-covered container park. It has live music concerts, many different food trucks and restaurants, alcohol and lively hip atmosphere. There’s one thing it’s sorely missing though: air conditioning. The place is packed full of people, all of them sweating, and those include yours truly. I’m sorry for the graphic picture, but I would be having hard time enjoying even the most ambrosial food on earth when sitting in a pool of my own sweat.

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Comforting Japanese Curry | Sama, Hong Kong

Om Nom Nomad - Sama Curry

In our last night in Hong Kong we were strolling around the Mid Level Escalator area. We must have walked around an hour and a half looking for a place to eat. You see, it’s not that there’s nowhere to eat in the Mid Level Escalator area; It is, in fact, full of restaurants and bars! It’s just that we were in the mood for a cozy and quiet place but every spot that seemed decent was just too crowded and noisy.

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