Giant Snack Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore [Part 3]

Om Nom Nomad - Giant Candy Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore

We’re back from an amazing tour in southeast Asia, which included Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. What do you think took up most of the space in my luggage? Snacks, of course.

This is the third of a series of posts containing tasting of over 35 candies and snacks I collected during my travels. The first post in the series can be found here and the second here. Today we’re about to discover another 8 snacks. Read More

It’s very tasty being green | O’sulloc, Seoul

Om Nom Nomad - O'sulloc

South Korea, the nation of Kimchi has turned in recent years to a nation of coffee shops. In a city with more than 17,000 coffee shops (source: reuters), it’s not surprising that some of them are among the most extraordinary and bizarre themed cafe joints in the world! Korean themed cafes include ring making cafe , cat, dog and even sheep cafe, Hello Kitty themed cafe, Lego Cafe, selfie cafe and a photo studio cafe. Just think of a concept – there’s probably already a cafe in Seoul just like that!

Travelling in Seoul, It’s impossible to avoid the cafe craze. When I was planning my trip, I made sure to include a visit to some of its more unique cafes and we’ve been sharing those experiences here during the last couple of weeks. The first cafe experience I shared was from the Poop Cafe in Insadong, followed by the 3D latte art cafe in Hongdae. Today I’m going to take you to a different neighborhood – Myeong-dong and another great cafe place – O’sulloc.

A morning downpour in Seoul forced us to make a change of plans. We decided to spend a lazy morning at a coffee shop which caught my attention a day before. O’sulloc Tea House, conveniently located right by our hotel, is a themed cafe which specializes in green tea.

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Fine Korean Dining for a Western Palate | Ryunique, Seoul

Om Nom Nomad - Ryunique

Ranked #27 on 2015 Asia’s 50 Best, Ryunique by Tae Hwan Ryu offers modern fusion cooking showcasing cutting edge techniques. It mixes Japanese and French cuisine, all while using Korean ingredients. Don’t expect Kimchi here, though – the flavors are very familiar to the western palate.

The kitchen is headed by chef Tae Hwan Ryu, who previously worked in Michelin-starred restaurants in Tokyo, Sydney and London. Ryunique, an amalgamation of his name and the premise of his concept for the flagship restaurant, was opened in 2011.

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Giant Snack Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore [Part 2]

Om Nom Nomad - Giant Candy Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore

We’re back from an amazing tour in southeast Asia, which included Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. What do you think took up most of the space in my luggage? Snacks, of course.

This is the second of a series of posts containing tasting of over 35 types of candy and snacks I collected during my travels. The first post in the series can be found here. Today we’re about to discover another 9 snacks, four of which are part of the honey craze which swept South Korea. Read More

A Coffee Shop that Gives a Crap | Poop Cafe, Seoul

Om Nom Nomad - Poop Cafe

South Korea, the nation of Kimchi has turned in recent years to a nation of coffee shops. In a city with more than 17,000 coffee shops (source: reuters), it’s not surprising that some of them are among the most extraordinary and bizarre themed cafe joints in the world! Korean themed cafes include ring making cafe , cat, dog and even sheep cafe, Hello Kitty themed cafe, Lego Cafe, selfie cafe and a photo studio cafe. Just think of a concept – there’s probably already a cafe in Seoul just like that!

Visit my post about 16 of Seoul’s Coolest Coffee and Dessert Shops

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Giant Snack Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore [Part 1]

Om Nom Nomad - Giant Candy Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore

We’re back from an amazing tour in southeast Asia, which included Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. What do you think used up most of the space in my luggage? Snacks, of course.

During the next few weeks I’ll be compiling a series of posts which will include tasting of over 35 types of candy I collected during my travels. So let’s get started with the first 10!

The second part of the haul is available here

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