Teach a man to fish – and he’ll probably have better luck than us | Zauo, Tokyo

Dining at Zauo restaurant can be frustrating at times, but not for the reasons you may think. Zauo is a restaurant like no other. Before eating the food here, you actually have to catch it. Well, no one is really forcing you into it, but it’s part of the fun. It’s also somewhat frustrating if you are not a ninja fishing master Japanese kid. As they specify in their instructions – “If you eat fish, You had better fishing than you order from the menu. Please challenge by all means”. Whatever that means.

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We were served dinner by Ninjas and the food was surprisingly good | Ninja Akasaka, Tokyo

To be honest, we were hesitant about making a reservation to Ninja Akasaka, a ninja themed restaurant that claims to recreate the “mysterious art of ninjas”. Most of the themed restaurant put effort into decor, branding (which was wonderfully done by this video production unit), atmosphere, and often times it comes on the expense of the food. After researching online and reading many posts and reviews, raving about the food, we decided to go for it.

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