100 Things to do in Tokyo

Om Nom Nomad - 100 things to do in Tokyo

Tokyo is a vast, strange and exciting city, which is impossible to exhaust. I’ve compiled for you a list of 100 things to see, eat and do after spending two weeks there. If you’d like to know more about some of the items on the list click the name to read my post about it.

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Japanese dogs and one more animal you wouldn’t expect to see on the streets

Many things that are often mundane in other countries become quite fascinating in Japan. Japanese dogs is one of those things. Japanese love and care for their dogs and it shows. During my 2 week trip in Tokyo, I’ve encountered many dogs and worked to capture these cute little creatures. Well, on camera at least. How little are they? Very. Most of the dogs I saw were pretty small, and considering the size of an average apartment in Tokyo, that makes sense.

So enough with the blabber, let’s get some cuteness on screen.

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