Burning Pineapples and Sweet Monsters | Lokkee, Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Lokkee and Sweet Monster

Lokkee is a place full of contradictions. While it might be physically located inside a mall, it is nothing like what you’d expect to see in a mall food court, both in terms of food and decor. It serves favorite Chinese recipes but with a unique and witty play. As befitting an oriental Chinese restaurant, red is a dominant color here, but the walls are covered with pop art pieces in Chinese style and statues with a statement. It’s a family restaurant but the “extra moist” wet tissue was served at the beginning of the dinner in a condom-like package.

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What the Duck | Non Entrée Desserts, Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Non Entrée Desserts

Scavenging through Instagram to build my foodie itinerary for Singapore I came across many pictures of a rubber ducky. Oddly enough – this wasn’t the case of mis-hashtagging we all often bump into in Instagram. Rather, this was an actual edible rubber ducky! Turns out this is one of the signature desserts at Non Entrée Desserts.

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Eating it While it’s Hot | Timbre+, Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Timbre+

Timbre+ is a 24,00 sq.ft modern hawker hosted in a graffiti-covered container park. It has live music concerts, many different food trucks and restaurants, alcohol and lively hip atmosphere. There’s one thing it’s sorely missing though: air conditioning. The place is packed full of people, all of them sweating, and those include yours truly. I’m sorry for the graphic picture, but I would be having hard time enjoying even the most ambrosial food on earth when sitting in a pool of my own sweat.

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Free the Robot – More than Meets the Eye | Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Free the Robot

Free the Robot is like a transformer. You know, like the type that fights for Cybertron but doesn’t actually mange to hit anything with its laser. During the days the venue functions as a quirky cafe; at nights it turns into Bitter and Love, a fun cocktail bar.

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Giant Snack Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore [Part 4]

Om Nom Nomad - Giant Snack Haul

A while ago we had an amazing tour in southeast Asia, which included Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. What do you think took up most of the space in my luggage? Snacks, of course.

This is the fourth of a series of posts containing tasting of over 35 candies and snacks I collected during my travels. The first post in the series can be found here, the second here and the third here. Today we’re about to discover another 7 snacks.

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Fun & Innovative Lunch | Tippling Club, Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Tippling Club

Our lunch at Tippling Club, a serial Asia’s Best 50 restaurant, was stellar. It was a creative, innovative and tasty journey that lasted 3 hours. Chef Ryan Clift has made sure every step of the way was filled with fun, playful and surprising elements.

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Giant Snack Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore [Part 3]

Om Nom Nomad - Giant Candy Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore

We’re back from an amazing tour in southeast Asia, which included Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. What do you think took up most of the space in my luggage? Snacks, of course.

This is the third of a series of posts containing tasting of over 35 candies and snacks I collected during my travels. The first post in the series can be found here and the second here. Today we’re about to discover another 8 snacks. Read More

The Quest for the Perfect Salted Egg Yolk Croissant | Antoinette, Singapore

Om Nom Nomad - Antoinette

Salted egg yolk: what started as a gravy for a common Singaporean crab dish caught on like fire to become a nation-wide craze in the form of, well, everything edible! Salted egg yolk fish and chips, salted egg yolk burgers, salted egg yolk prata, salted egg yolk chicken wings, salted egg yolk udon and the list goes on and on and on. No eatery in Singapore could stand idle and even Mcdonalds joined the trend, launching a fried chicken burger with salted egg yolk gravy in June to ridiculously long queues of eager customers. Shortly after, many restaurants in Singapore made sure to include at least one salted egg yolk item in their menu.

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Giant Snack Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore [Part 2]

Om Nom Nomad - Giant Candy Haul from Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore

We’re back from an amazing tour in southeast Asia, which included Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. What do you think took up most of the space in my luggage? Snacks, of course.

This is the second of a series of posts containing tasting of over 35 types of candy and snacks I collected during my travels. The first post in the series can be found here. Today we’re about to discover another 9 snacks, four of which are part of the honey craze which swept South Korea. Read More